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nintendo direct time bitchessssss gonna see if pyoro was correct
burhfart 10 months ago

never mind its tomorrow my ass cant read

HEY LITTLE [Female human living in this hellish planet] DID YOU KnOW THAT ITS [Special barbecue month] WHERE YOU CAN BUY THE [Barbecue] DOLLS FOR FREE???????
burhfart 10 months ago


unity fucked up, glad im planning on using godot as my first major game engine instead :D
burhfart 10 months ago

though this really fucking sucks, only """"""""""""""""""good"""""""""""""""""" reason i see to make this change (royalties if you didnt know) is money and thats it

this shit ran for two seasons and everyone knows it?????????
gotta love it when i draw on the stage on flash cs5 (i KNOW its an older version but ) and the drawings dissapear :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
burhfart 10 months ago

i dont remember this being an issue in flash 8 :)))))

wg2k 10 months ago

flash before adobe ftw

burhfart 10 months ago

i literally only changed because i (thought i) couldnt ctrl click lines, AND I LITERALLY COULD JUST NOT WITH THE FREE TRANSFORMATION TOOL SODFJIORHTOIEROJTERJTOIJEROJ

dude literally named his son after a cartoon villain
burhfart 10 months ago

transformer name dead ass

aint even using the pre chrome art syle this sucks
2.2.12/2.2.13 fucked up record attack mang this SUCKS
burhfart 10 months ago

the file number limitation shit works with character mods too?????????

burhfart 10 months ago

i guess you COULD go into the record attack files of srb2 and add/remove whatever addon you want but at this point you might as well go into the source code to remove the entire limitation.

thinking about that noodle 60 fps video comment that said something along the lines of "hero is animated normally while villain is interpolated" and considering how actually uncanny ai art is now i think this could work

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CreatedAug 21, 2022
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animation games music reallyfuckingcool flash