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Hello. I’m sorry I didn’t see you for so long again. Your new website looks wonderful, and I wish you well.
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blueraccoon 5 months ago

Hi !!!! Hey it's fine no worries. I hope you're doing well !!!!! And thanks !!! Rn i'm completly redesigning it.

candyjam 5 months ago

I'm glad. I'm not sure if you're comfortable with it, but I would like to stay in touch. Do you still have Discord?

1 like
I'm really hesitating to redo the website ONCE AGAIN... I'm really lost on things , I'm sorry.
Gonna post updates here rq... So the site as of right now is 42% done ! So far atleast 3 entire sections of the site are completed. One section however will be done last as it is constantly evolving , which is the Gallery page. Let's hope the redesign of the site is completed by this year's end !!!!!
Thank you so much for the follow!! :-)
1 like
blueraccoon 8 months ago

No problem ^^ Your art is amazing btw !

Sorry the latest updates are taking forever , designing a whole new layout that looks kinda good or passable is a lil hard , i'm sorry ;-;
Hi everyone. Finally got a clear idea of what I want this website to look like. Expect ACTUAL change in... Let's say 2 months or so !
Hey. So update on the situation. I'm mentally better now , in the right headspace. I'm extremely sorry for the worries i have caused , both online , and outside the screen. Thank you immensly for your support , kindness and patience.
candyjam 1 year ago

It's good to hear; I wish you well.

1 like
love your art style, love the humor, love your site, and have been injected with wonder in looking at your works :3 keep it up!
blueraccoon 1 year ago

OH MY GFOD THANK YOU SO MIUVJYHKJ ?J VNB?T?BHN?BFHN VCGH i'm so sorry for replying i apologize , but i wanna say this message means so much to me :3333333333

1 like
Fuck i completly forgot to update , crap crap crap crap crap crap
Love the new layout !!! Very classy :33
1 like
bytemindcomic 1 year ago

Thank you!! :D

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Website Stats

Last updated 3 weeks ago
CreatedAug 17, 2021
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blog art furry webcomic furryart