Welcome to Audball's Audworld

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audball 2 years ago

Changed description of gameshelf page. I originally was only going to add pages for games once I beat them, but I think it'll be better (and more updated) if I instead slowly add to pages about games bit by bit as I play through them. My feelings and upkeep of the story will be more coherent that way.

audball 2 years ago

Adding a few more albums I've been playing. Trying to slowly come back to this site.

To anyone who reads this: Hi! I haven't updated in a while because my life has been CRAZY busy lately. But! I have been watching a lotta stuff and hopefully I have more content for the TV section soon! Gonna re-watch an OVA or two so I can have a super-precise opinion on it.

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Last updated 2 weeks ago
CreatedDec 18, 2021
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