Unicursal Maze Research

1,453 updates
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2024-08-26. Thank you for following my website.
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2024-08-25. The rest of the update has occurred: The Parade has been updated with more offerings. There is a new blog post.
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2024-08-25. Updated latest completed path on index page. Uploaded a variety of new pages for the catalog; Progress interrupted. I will complete the upload later. Thank you for your understanding.
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2024-08-24. Updated latest completed path on index page.
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2024-08-23. Updated latest completed path on index page.
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2024-08-22. Updated latest completed path on index page.
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2024-08-21. Updated latest completed path on index page.
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2024-08-20. I updated the UMPD with what I consider to be a very quick fix in order to address apparent inabilities with Google Chrome & Microsoft Edge to create a maze. Please, if you use browsers other than Firefox / Pale Moon, test it out and see if it works. I have limited access to other browsers locally and so I can not test this application across multiple browsers as extensively as I would prefer. Thank you.
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2024-08-20. Updated latest completed path on index page.

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Last updated 12 hours ago
CreatedAug 23, 2020
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maze mazes math javascript svg