Unicursal Maze Research

1,365 updates
0 tips
2021-12-19. Updated latest completed path on index page. Added new blog entry. Quality of Life improvement: Updated Progress.htm & Terminology.htm pages. Added "mazes" & "math" tags.
2021-12-18. Added a new blog entry. No new original path for today. Also, Quality of Life improvement. Slightly changed INDEX.HTM page. Renamed the blog "The Path Forward."
2021-12-17. Updated latest completed path on index page.
2021-12-16. Updated latest completed path on index page.
2021-12-15. Updated latest completed path on index page.
2021-12-14 (part 2). Quality of life improvement. Added re-direct to INDEX.HTML so that INDEX.HTM is the new main page. Adjusted other pages to reflect the new main page. Some pages were uploaded with partial content improvement, such as terminology & progress pages.
2021-12-14. Added a new blog entry. No new original path for today.

Website Stats

Last updated 15 hours ago
CreatedAug 23, 2020
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maze mazes math javascript svg