ACBob's Personal webiste - Homepage

2,065 updates
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forgot to announce the new blog. it's about this book series i'm reading.
1 like
Minor improvement to the blog system, you don't download each and every blog at once, instead you download the metadata. When requesting a blog entry, it'll download the text and apply it to the page. Also, you can find it at /blog/ instead of /blog.html.
1 like
dann 5 years ago

Good call on the AJAX request. Keeps it tidier.

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I have taken a personally controversial decision. I have made a non-monospace bobish font. and it's what the blogs use. Feel free to notify me of any issues with the font!
New blog! 'The Great Minecraft Seed Hunt'.
acbob 5 years ago

article? blog? i'll figure out a better name for them at some point.

Website Stats

Last updated 4 years ago
CreatedOct 26, 2019
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