ACBob's Personal webiste - Homepage

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I'm making good progress on the Splatoon blog article. I believe it won't take much longer than by the end of the week (this allows me procrastination time) before it's released.
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I wonder if Edge Chromium will automagically give my site Edge support. My site already supports chrome, which is also chromium, so we'll have to see.
Great site. I also follow the sentiment that the web is boring and flat.
1 like
I've decided that testing in production isn't a very good decision. /blog/donttestinproduction.html is where i should be adding new things to the blog system and such.
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acbob 5 years ago

Oh yeah, because copyright exists, i added some image credits.

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Another personally controversial decision has been made, Bobish isn't the easiest on the eyes, so i shouldn't force people to use it. (I've added a setting to turn it off.)
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Last updated 4 years ago
CreatedOct 26, 2019
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