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ive been thinking about how i can make my site more accessible recently (mostly to do with screenreaders, i downloaded a browser extension specifically to test my site and found it doesnt work so great) and i just saw someone else say theyre making a more accessible version of their site and i. thats such a good idea. i should do that
1dkreally 5 months ago

ive been having a moral dilemma recently of do i make my site more accessible to those who use screen readers vs how can i keep my site looking the way i want it to (i.e. the way it looks now). im probably gonna do that at some point because thats literally solved my problem

1dkreally 5 months ago

just realised i probably didnt explain this right. i meant like a separate, more accessible version of the site

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Last updated 3 days ago
CreatedJun 21, 2023
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