When I Was a Child in Ferrol, Spain (1953-65)

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Wednesday May 11, 2022. WORK ON BAZAN MAGAZINE FOR THE YEAR 1956 CONTINUES. Five new photographs.
Tuesday May 10, 2022. I have added the * NEWS ENTRY FOR SEPTEMBER 5, 1956 * which includes THE TENTH NEWSREEL CLIP. The Spanish voice-over is translated to English.
Thursday May 4, 2022. TINKERING FINISHED IN THE "When I Was a Child In Ferrol" WEBSITE. The default font-size is now 16 pixels for all the webpages. I am very pleased with the results; now the 100% zoom yields comfortably legible text on a screen of 15.6 inches (diagonal). You might need to refresh your screen to verify the changes made.
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Wednesday May 4, 2022. THE TINKERING CONTINUES. I have increased the default font-size from 14 to 16 pixels. Now a zoom factor of 100% is fine with a screen of 15.6 inches diagonal. I have modfied four webpages today; more tomorrow.
Tuesday May 3, 2022. TINKERING. I have increased the default font-size from 12 to 14 pixels and decreased the width of two large photographs on chapters 4 and 24 to keep all images inside the webpage margins up to a zoom factor of 150% for a laptop screen of 15.6 inches.

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Last updated 1 month ago
CreatedJul 2, 2015
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history spain galicia