When I Was a Child in Ferrol, Spain (1953-65)

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Friday June 3, 2022. NEW MATERIAL FOR CHAPTER 9, "Bazan Magazine for the Year 1957." I have added the "BAZAN HUMOUR" section, with a selection of six comic strips. And that wraps it up for the year 1957. The task now is to start doing Chapter 10, "Bazan Magazine for the Year 1958."
Thursday June 2, 2022. NEW MATERIAL FOR CHAPTER 9, "Bazan Magazine for the Year 1957." I have appended three interviews and three photos in the section, "VOICES FROM THE FACTORY." I have added the 1957 "SPORTS" section, with carries four photographs.
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Monday May 30, 2022. NEW MATERIAL. In Chapter 3, "Religion In the Streets." In Chapter 9, "Bazan Magazine for the Year 1957," a brand new section entitled, "ARTS AND LETTERS," has been appended. In total there are 6 new photographs available (3 on the loaded webpage, 3 through hyperlinks to a local folder).
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Friday May 27, 2022. NEW MATERIAL. A tonnage Graph with explanation plus a replacement 1957 photograph of "Gymnastic_Exhibition_Bazan," all in CHAPTER 1, "The Shipyard." Continuing with a new interviewee in "Voices From The Factory" plus a brand new section entitled, "Snippets of Spanish History," both in CHAPTER 9, "Bazan Magazine for the Year 1957."
Tuesday May 24, 2022. NEW MATERIAL. There is a brand new section entitled, "Voices from the Factory," found in Chapter 9, "Bazan Magazine for the Year 1957." There is also a 1954 photo of the Bazan choir lodged, paradoxically, in the news entry for February 24, 1959.

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CreatedJul 2, 2015
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history spain galicia