When I Was a Child in Ferrol, Spain (1953-65)

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Friday November 18, 2022. Second batch of OFFBEAT NEWS (Bazan Magazine for the Year 1964).
Thursday November 17, 2022. First batch of OFFBEAT NEWS (Bazan Magazine for the Year 1964).
Wednesday November 16, 2022. Fourth and final batch of RELIGION (Bazan Magazine for the Year 1964). In addition I have replaced the "March 24, 1964, The Polyphonic Chorale at San Francisco Church" photograph with a better-quality one.
Tuesday November 15, 2022. Third batch of RELIGION (Bazan Magazine for the Year 1964).
Monday November 14, 2022. Still fiddling around with the second batch of RELIGION (Bazan Magazine for the Year 1964). I have added an MP3 clip of the anthem that the pupils of Bazan's Schools for the Sons of Workers sang. A bit of a gem and quite a lucky strike.
Sunday November 13, 2022. I have added seven photographs (six hyperlinked) to yesterday's second batch of RELIGION (Bazan Magazine for the Year 1964).

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CreatedJul 2, 2015
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