Web Shark

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How do you pronounce ukelele? is it ooo-ke-le-le?
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sicklycarpet 6 years ago

i think it is pronounced as ''yoo kell lay lee''

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20 Followers! Check out the new pet Webshark that can be found near the middle of the page!
20 Followers! Check out the new pet Webshark that can be found near the top of the page!
20 Followers! Check out the new pet Webshark that can be found near the top of the page!
20 Followers! Check out the new pet Webshark that can be found near the top of the page!
20 Followers! Check out the new pet Webshark that can be found near the top of the page!
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20 Followers! Check out the new pet Webshark that can be found near the top of the page!
20 Followers and 1 Year old Update!

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Last updated 1 year ago
CreatedMay 18, 2017
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