The Green Herring's Domain

4,070 updates
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"Together" placed 2nd out of 3 at Demosplash 2024 and missed 1st by only six points! I've now updated its page in the art gallery with commentary on the piece. I've also given my front page graphics another overhaul so my clothes look more like the satin they're meant to be made of. Enjoy! :3
Yesterday, I uploaded two new portraits: a commissioned portrait of a character from the world of Fallout: New Vegas ("Magnus"), and my first-ever piece of Teletext art for streamer friend Enbyeon ("Enbyeon in Teletext"). Today, I've uploaded my just-premiered entry from Demosplash 2024's Freestyle ASCII/ANSI competition, "Together". Enjoy!
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went down a rabbithole of looking thru ZZT games on & eventually came across Cyber Purge on the ZZTmuseum, love ur art & writing style!!
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thegreenherring 6 months ago

Were you playing v2 of Cyber Purge? If not, that one has even better art than the original, plus expanded writing. :3 Either way, thank you! I've been prepping to get this site updated more often. Stay tuned!

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Last updated 2 days ago
CreatedApr 25, 2022
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pixelart ansi art furry videogames