1,103 updates
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OUGHG I love your site!!! I am a HUGEEEE SWSH lover....and I adore Sonia!! Hop is my biggest kin (and if you're not familiar with that stuff) then I project myself onto Hop like you do with Sonia! I know you follow my partner ( and he is my Bede and I am his Hop! I love to see such an out and proud self-shipper, it makes me feel so happy! Your site makes me feel like I'm back in Galar again.
YO your site is so the layout and ease of use!!! And the Captain Harlock watching over the whole page <3
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pagespages 10 months ago

Thank you. Have you seen Xi Xing Ji, it is a reimagining of Journey to the West. You might be interested, that it, if you are fine with watching some CGI (which is pretty good).

1 like
sunwukong 10 months ago

I have NOT seen it...but omg, I totally should! I love JTTW (as is probably evident by the site title, lol), and any sort of iterations of it. Thank you for the recommendation, I'll check it out!

1 like
OMG I love the different stuff with your site!!! I have a Tumblr that I use for blogging and I never considered just putting a lot of my blog posts more on a place like my website than on Tumblr!! And the reporting section is so cool, I've been wanting a section like that on my site but wasn't sure how to phrase it. Your site is so inspiring! I absolutely love it. It's making me itch to work on my site more!
Haven't been updating as I injured my wrist and my mother is getting married today/tomorrow so I have been preparing for that...should get back to updating soon!
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macaque 10 months ago

Hiii my dear <3

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sunwukong 10 months ago

Omg hiii hiii omg <3

WOOAH your site is so cool!!! The media log is genius!!!! Your thoughts on everything are so well-worded and insightful. Such a cool site!!!
1 like
finel 11 months ago

Thank you!!!! You're very kind, I'm kinda suprised somebody read that. Your site is very cool too, I love your shrines!

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drabunwolfcat 11 months ago

HIII!! :3c >w<

1 like
WOWOWOWOW your site is so looks so sick!!! I had so much fun dragging all the Pokemon around the's given me ideas for my site as well but just wow it looks so good X3!!!
shinyexe 11 months ago

aaaaaaa thank u thank u!! i love your site too, bro! i'm glad i could give u some ideas :D

EEEEEK I LOVE YOUR WEBSITE!!! It's so cool and pretty!!! It's very lovely to see other spiritual otherkins as well -w-. And it's so awesome to see a fellow animal lover! I'm on the path to go to school for zoology so that's awesome. Your site is so dope!
1 like
magolor 11 months ago

Thank you that makes me very happy to hear ^_^

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CreatedMay 25, 2022
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personal blog writing