360°•Shadow-Light № Realms [▽□🟦⬛🟪⬜◉🖤⌂• ◀●◆↕️⏯️]

2,136 updates
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Consistent Update to 【Level 3】 - #3. More of high mountain is discovered as delivered by the terminal workers. Currently closed by terminal workers.
Consistent Update to 【Level 1】 - #3. Accessor-Transformers updated to perceive higher visual load. Universal addition.
Consistent Update to 【Level 3】 - #2. Speed sign added and identified peak mountain. Currently inaccessible on purpose by terminal workers..
Consistent Update to 【Level 1】 - #2. - Welcoming changed. Incoming changes to the realm-workings visionary design high.
Consistent Update to 【Level 2】 - #1. - Added a speed sign. High chance of redesigns upcoming.
Consistent Update to 【Level 1】 - #1. - Updated News. New news entry. News backlog created.
Consistent Update to 【Level 3】 - #1.
Tiniest of updates. - ★Neutral 【Level 3】 is more explorable now.
Looks like we got another news entry here! How do you feel during the evolution of our lovely planet, and ourselves, really? - ★Neutral
Another news entry! Bless you all! - ★Neutral

Website Stats

Last updated 1 year ago
CreatedOct 4, 2018
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multipurpose terminal shadow omnipurpose shadowlight