Robo Nerd's Cybercrap Central!

267 updates
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Why does a Website Focused on bringing back the old web have a Social Media Feed? I get it's so you know when Sites get updates but why can you Post Text? most of these sites HAVE blogs.
robonerd 4 weeks ago

And also make the site Updates a e-Mail newsletter or somethin'

Hi (Seeing if people respand)
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thanks for the follow and welcome to Neocities! :D
1 like
robonerd 1 month ago

Thanks! I hope Pixie's Going well!

1 like
tinypaws 1 month ago

shes well :D a tid mad at me though. i trimmed her nails today and shes been giving me 'why you do this to me' look lol

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Last updated 1 hour ago
CreatedMay 14, 2024
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