aceqm ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_

2,623 updates
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the bunny in my head tells me 2 follow my dreams n urges n use my irl voice but the spider tells me i sound like a slut n i should fight back drop attacks only so im nonverbal 4 the rest of my life because my voice is so bad
a fellow pom gets wifi fan.. brillaint, love ur site
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oh my god i just realized normies can feel negative emotions about something that isnt traumatic
i change my mind i like 2day
i hate 2day
it is taking every fiber in my boody not 2 start another project while im already doing 1
i love this site sm i hope my love 4 it isnt a hyperfixation

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Last updated 9 months ago
CreatedNov 15, 2022
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