Nico's Pool Party

5,868 updates
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i think your site is so so cool and checked out your professional one. you are so amazing and so capable , i mean writing a book, knowing how to code, everything .. that is just crazy. i really love your site and your message ( •⌄• ू )✧
nicothepoet 3 weeks ago

Omg this is so nice T_T Thank you for your kind words!! I love your site as well! It's so peaceful, and your art and photography is gorgeous!! Mind if I add you to my cool sites section?

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nicothepoet 3 weeks ago

Also!! Your banner is so cool! I was trying to do something similar with mine (specifically having a water background) but I kept running into issues making the code. Do you mind if I adapt your header code / use it to learn how to add a background like that? If so, I'll credit you, but know there is no pressure!

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oceanfront 3 weeks ago

of course!! you are so kind 🥺... i really appreciate it .. and of course you can you don't have to credit me! if you have any questions or problems let me know and i can try to help you!!

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Last updated 1 week ago
CreatedAug 5, 2023
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