Vaporwave Synthesizer

2,067 updates
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Hmm... not sure how to organize my Poisonverse Worlds yet. At one hand, I want to give each page a unique look so it'd feel like you're actually hopping from different worlds. On the other hand, simplicity would save me more room for storage decor stuff. Tell me which one's better haha
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mockguffin 2 years ago

Hi, Pocket! Thanks for the follow!

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mockguffin 2 years ago

Just rebranded my usernames in dA and TH, nothing new. :P

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deleted my stamps section to make a full-on graphics page instead. i want to archive some files i like that aren't just stamps. plus, i miss using buttons a lot. dA has been very buggy and STILL refuses to show any images to me at all... so i think it's best if i start putting my fav aesthetics here and hopefully i'm able to download them all
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mockguffin 2 years ago

Feelin' proud for finishing these. 😭✨

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feelingmachine 2 years ago

i'm proud too omg

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Last updated 1 month ago
CreatedMar 17, 2022
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selfshipping art personal yumejoshi fictosexual