
633 updates
0 tips
mánarkisan was updated.
1 month ago
mánarkisan was updated.
1 month ago
HOLY SH---! I made a dollmaker! NOT the prettiest art, especially the base, but I really hope I can make more dollmakers this way. I used javascript, and I do admit that I used a certain robot to help me make this. It should work on mobile, I tested it on my phone.
HOLY SH---! I made a dollmaker! NOT the prettiest art, especially the base, but I really hope I can make more dollmakers this way.
mánarkisan was updated.
6 months ago
I'll pretty much scrap the portfolio portion of my site, until I find an inspiration on how to do that.
mánarkisan was updated.
11 months ago
mánarkisan was updated.
11 months ago
mánarkisan was updated.
11 months ago
mánarkisan was updated.
1 year ago

Website Stats

Last updated 1 month ago
CreatedJun 5, 2020
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art animation portfolio fun dollmaker