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162 updates
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i apologize for being so inactive. ive been doing awful recently mentally. im tired and sick of this website, but i pinkie promise i wont abandon it! ^_^
mental health is spiraling down. i havent been doing well and i may end up abandoning this site. big thank you to anyone who found me, whether by chance or on purpose, i appreciate you a lot <3
step-mum outed my girlfriend and me to her family. taking a long break to sort this out, as i want this sight to remain my little secret. apologies to anyone who happened to find this sight, whether on accident or on purpose. you mean everything to me <3
LINKS LINKS LINKS!! SOON I WILL HAVE THEM ALL ψ(`∇´)ψ i swear im working!! i have a lot of sites to link. hotlinking is bad and I know barely anything on it... im educating myself I swear!!! o(TヘTo)

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Last updated 2 months ago
CreatedMar 5, 2024
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