Corv's Webbed Site

659 updates
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Can I get some advice? About my art page. I have a question: Do smaller images load faster? My art is generally 500x500 pixels, but the thumnails I have so far are 200x. If that makes a difference, then is there a fast way to make a bunch?
corvidoodle 5 months ago

I don't want devices to chug every time you load the art page, y'know? I know the thumbnails are shrunk anyway, but having a smaller image to work from I imagine would make the process easier, yeah?

Deleting my art twitter soon, so I'll be slowly putting my art here instead. Still active on Tumblr though!
fascinating! this makes me both want to explore all this but also i need to catch up on the magnus protocol...

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Last updated 1 month ago
CreatedMay 1, 2024
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