Cartoon Creature Lover!

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I've been meaning to write you earlier, but life got so dang busy- Welcome aboard Neocities, Rachel! ^^ Hope you have a great time in your web design journey!! Also, if you do have any questions regarding HTML or CSS, feel free to ask me! I'll be glad to help if I can :]
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cartooncreaturelover 2 years ago

Aww, thank you so much!!! I'll be sure to ask about stuff when issues start to pop up!

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cartooncreaturelover 2 years ago

Okay! I have a question! Do you have any idea how to make a header image stop repeating itself on narrower screens? I heard changing it from pixels to a percentage could fix it, but either my previous attempts weren't coded correctly or it simply doesn't work because something else is causing the issue. My site (& thus the header image's code) is from Sadgrlonline's Layout Builder, btw!

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ninacti0n 2 years ago

Oh, that's a simple thing to solve! For the image to repeat itself, I assume you're using it as a background image, right? So, on the CSS, you gotta set its background-repeat to no-repeat. Also, the percentage thing is mainly useful if you wanna make the background image responsive on smaller screens. I hope this helps! ^^

cartooncreaturelover 2 years ago

It's not set as a background though! I don't think the template has the header image set to background, & I have no idea how to change it to BG either. I tried adding your suggestion (which I did see on a site a few days ago) under where the image is in the CSS & it did nothing. The header is :root { --header-image: url('address stuff'); There's also #header, but nothing happened when I added your suggestion?

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cartooncreaturelover 2 years ago

Also! When I change the image from px to %, it just deletes itself from my website for some reason??? I added width: 100%; & alternatively tried width: auto; & also tried both but with height, but none of these seem do anything OR it deletes the header image from the site?

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ninacti0n 2 years ago

Ehh, I'm not really understanding how this layout of yours is behaving... I've coded my site entirely by hand, so all I know is regular methods that work outside of a template. I'll go inspect your code and see if anything works-

ninacti0n 2 years ago

Ok, it's apparently simpler to change! From what it seems, you already have a style set for the header in the HTML, so remove the height it has there, and only work inside the sheet. Second, I think you should replace the var method to fetch the image and use url("your url here") instead. Then, you gotta write in your CSS - background-repeat: no-repeat; - so that it doesn't repeat on smaller screens.

ninacti0n 2 years ago

It's always better to work on the stylesheet alone than mix CSS with HTML. Things get mixed up easily like this, y'know? I also recommend using background-style: cover if you want the image to stay inside the header regardless of screen size ^^

cartooncreaturelover 2 years ago

Okay, I'll try to do that then! The style sheet was something that was part of the template, & I was just wondering this morning if I should try to move the design elements to the CSS file where it belongs! Thank you so much for doing your best to help me out! I appreciate it very much!!!

cartooncreaturelover 2 years ago

Oh boy, there are *problems!* Moving the CSS into the CSS has angered the code gods, it pretty much deletes a massive chunk of the site, & multiple things don't actually work in the CSS file; like the numbers on the side are either yellow or red. And removing the height cuts off the image in an unintended way! I am extremely lost, omg.

cartooncreaturelover 2 years ago

Update! The header repeating on mobile has been fixed! Another issue popped up, but it's not the worst thing, so I'm leaving it! I would like to ask this though; I added a table to my site & designed it in the CSS file, but the design doesn't show up on mobile, just desktop? I'd imagine it's because the rest of the CSS is in

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Last updated 1 year ago
CreatedDec 25, 2022
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art furry fantasy dnd monster