Be Your True Mind

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After some searching on where the images in this link ( came from, I finally found it! They were created to commemorate Persona's 20th anniversary and were exhibited in the 3331 Arts Chiyoda Museum (!
beyourtruemind 1 year ago

It's also unfortunate that I can't get them in a higher quality, but at least I know their source. No wonder I couldn't find anything about them on SauceNao or TinEye, they were never posted online in the first place!

beyourtruemind 1 year ago

After finding this ( I'm starting to think SauceNao isn't particularly good at sourcing non-Pixiv art. It's hard to find these kinds of things because: 1. Often the artists don't tag their work and 2. Pieces made for a specific event in 2016 and for a popular series oft get overlooked after the event is over, and drowned out by 5 years' worth of fanart.

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CreatedOct 1, 2022
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