2,286 updates
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WHIMSYMOTH was updated.
2 weeks ago
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WHIMSYMOTH was updated.
3 months ago
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note to self: i want to start working on my BoS page tomorrow
1 like
the nefarious book appears
1 like
your site is so lovely!!
1 like
whimsymoth 3 months ago

thank you so much!! that's so niceys of u

1 like
WHIMSYMOTH was updated.
3 months ago
1 like
oh the new site look is absolutely splendid and magical!! this is truly inspiring for me!! lovely!!
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whimsymoth 3 months ago

oh wow, thank you so much luna!! this is the biggest compliment <33

1 like
posted a new poll on the homepage!! basically i got a new raised planter box and i want ideas on what i should grow in it. 🌱
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whimsymoth 3 months ago

also added an "about" and a blog page but i forgor

1 like
catbox is down ooouuuuuhhh
whimsymoth 3 months ago

reuploaded everything to my site yippee

WHIMSYMOTH was updated.
3 months ago
1 like

Website Stats

Last updated 1 week ago
CreatedMar 13, 2022
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diary witchcraft plural alterhuman personal