watching for fire

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Hi Hans, I hope you’re doing well, I haven’t talked to you in a while. How’s life been lately, God bless.
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watchingforfire 2 years ago

Im doing well how about you? I recently started making videos again after a small break.

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comingintheclouds 2 years ago

I’m doing well, life’s been very boring this past year, I really enjoyed your most recent videos, especially the one on gravity.

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I haven't got any type of positive response from my card. I tried 'protesting' with my sign and cards but people tend to get aggressive. I think tiktok is the best approach right now but, I'm open for ideas.
watchingforfire 2 years ago

Yeah ive never done any public stuff like that before. Not surprised people get hostile.

Do you have a way to link all of your youtube videos to one place? It would be great if i could link all of your videos to a href and put it on my user submissions page. But I would have to pretty much find a way to download all of your youtube videos and mirror it somewhere like on bitchute then link the href to the bitchute.
biblenotes 3 years ago

If not, im here to ask if i can mirror all of your videos and upload it to a mirror bitchute account so i can link those videos to the href link. The idea is that i want people to be able to easily access the videos from the website in one place. I would just link your youtube channel but a lot of your videos are in multiple channels and i noticed youtube has started to take down a lot of content

watchingforfire 3 years ago

You can mirror anything, sure. Bitchute is very unreliable though and horrible to upload to.

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Hi, I hope you’re doing well! Can you believe we’re nearing the end of 2021 already? Time has been going so fast, God bless.
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watchingforfire 3 years ago

Honestly it feels like nov should just be starting

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By not being into satan, do you happen to be into God / Jesus?
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smokeyjoint 3 years ago

im into positive vibing...

biblenotes 3 years ago

Can someone's torment be another mans pleasure? For example, a question or conversation can be perceived as "not positive" if one feels the questions are uprised against their being, but when has curiosity been exclusively negative? Is believing in positivity just another way of saying 'I believe in only what I agree with', or that 'i like only what i like?

pnnamerica 3 years ago

@biblenotes Daily I take pleasure in other peoples torment.

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comingintheclouds 3 years ago

I can relate with you on this, it's frustrating not being able to any natural men to talk to. In the past two years of my life searching for real people seeking the truth, you're only natural man I've communicated with. Trying to find natural (non-freemartin) men on the internet is difficult but in day-to-day, it's next to impossible. Finding natural women isn't a problem, real men are just extremely rare.

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watchingforfire 3 years ago

Yeah, and I mean, it's not like I dont think freemartins can be good. It's just, well, its human nature to want to find others like yourself.

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CreatedNov 24, 2020
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