watching for fire

2,622 updates
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I've slightly changed the name of my website from coming-in-the-clouds to comingintheclouds, so the link to my page on your website doesn't work anymore, just wanted to let you know. Thanks for all the support and exposure you've given my website btw, it really means alot, God bless.
watchingforfire 4 years ago

Okay thanks for telling me, ill have to update that

Hi, I hope you're doing well, I'm asking you for help on how to centre all my webpages just like yours, God bless.
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watchingforfire 4 years ago

Looks like you got it somewhat. So what i do is i center my whole page, at the very start, and then i use the paragraph tag < p > and style to align most of my text left.

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vigor 4 years ago

I like the colors.

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watchingforfire 4 years ago

The future is RGB haha. Thanks. Looks like SITIC main page now.

Hope you're doing well! Can you believe we're almost through february already? God bless.
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comingintheclouds 4 years ago

Thanks I'm doing fine, time is going so quickly, we don't really have time to do much, God bless.

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watchingforfire 4 years ago

Nope. Not much time at all. Made a small handful of changes to my site today and it took me off and on all day.

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comingintheclouds 4 years ago

When the time thing starts bothering me, I remind myself that God's doing this for us, so we can escape before things get worse.

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Last updated 9 months ago
CreatedNov 24, 2020
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