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0 tips - this is the intro to collaboration, where if your theories fit mine, if you create materials to integrate the two; where your idea is the same but we could integrate our reasoning to create a more complex whole - you "have similar ideas and like my reasoning", which means you can write versions of your basic texts or attachments for them, where my reasoning leads to yours
Nice to hear! is the Laegna+Spireason data for my chatbot linked from my main page. You can use the database for your own bot, especially giving it your related docs and creating dictionaries between terms and paradigms of me and you. My bot is simplistic model, unable to combine numbers, but a good introducer to even scientific philosophy - you can do it with and Zapier
hey i haven't finished reading all of the writings you have on your site, but i wanted to say thanks for creating it. it really helps me feel less alone in a world that seems absolutely blind to the kind of logic you're sharing. so far it's some of the most flawless reasoning i've seen from my current perspective. it's such a happy surprise to encounter someone else who came to the same understandings on their own
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Last updated 3 weeks ago
CreatedFeb 20, 2025
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