The Misfit Book

494 updates
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themisfitbook 9 months ago

just making a quick default template for new pages. i read online i should do this on notebook on my computer? i may transfer it to that instead.

themisfitbook 9 months ago

made my about page + added a footer + forgot to eat because i was too absorbed

Cool site!! love all the links 2 other blinkie pages, most of them ive never seen b4!!
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themisfitbook 9 months ago

ah thank you!! i went nuts with the blinkies, thinking of making my own soon too they are really fun. im still trying to figure out neocities and coding in general, i have no idea what im doing! i love your babysitters a vampire shrine, i remember watching that as a kid, i love internet archives of stuff <333

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Website Stats

Last updated 9 months ago
CreatedOct 4, 2023
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music books blinkies punk personal