
1,179 updates
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done. also, aliweb
i'll remove all the very popular sites on the search engine because it ruins the "web surfing" part.
it was pretty cheap so i just got it lol
now i have way more mb than i need
i became supporter today
today i learned that my website is only 1.25 MB. Huh, i guess the 10 MB that GeoPlus had wasn't that small.
searchgoggloplexia 3 years ago

and now i download my whole site outta boredom, and it's 957 kb compressed

Also, i missed the perfect opportunity to show the 9/11 thingie. 20th anniversary, but i did it one freaking year early.
God damnit- nowhere to be found! I swear it was atleast in our blog!
oh god did i save the goioe logo or else ITLL BE LOST TO TIME AGAIN

Website Stats

Last updated 1 year ago
CreatedSep 4, 2019
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nostalgia search google 2000s oldweb