Montana 406 Directory

525 updates
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I love the SeaMonkey Browser for editing. Works very well. I remove the _target tags from any of the links inside the website. Off website has targets to open a new page.
Most of the list is being added by KompoZer a HTML editor I like to use for its simplicity. I wish it would get updated. I'm going to try the SeaMonkey browser that has a built in ediotr and see if it makes my work a little easier. This is educational for me.
I hav e added meta tags and listed in the search engines. I created google+ and other social media accounts putting the web address in those post often. I'm hoping the seach ngines will start picking it up within a week or so. My favicon wont come up? I'm still working on that.
I'm getting request to be added to the website still. We have over 150 growers in Montana. I wonder how many of them are going to be in the directory? How can i reach the ones who are not in the directory? These are questions I ask myself. I want ot do something diffferent with Head Shops page. I have to organize them in counties like i do the providers. I want to do it a little more creatively, still within CSS.

Website Stats

Last updated 6 years ago
CreatedFeb 6, 2017
Site Traffic Stats


montana marijuana seeds cannabis culture