Maverick's World

754 updates
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I used to be a "Preussen-Fanboy" (except I'm not a boy, and I was never into video games much). I even had a tiny little Prussian flag that I would wave randomly. It's a very interesting time in history indeed!
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Hey all! Long time no see... This website is definetly getting canned now, it's sad how short it has lived but I've found greener pastures in the form of a new site. I won't share it as I don't want it linking back to this site for privacy concerns but if you find it you'll probably know it's mine
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The bare bones version of the Catalan language mode is done! Now I just have to translate my main pages and finish the god-foresaken selection button that has been taunting me the entire f***ing day!

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Last updated 1 year ago
CreatedOct 10, 2023
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videogames music programming retro