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YAY it worked out thanks rob ^u^!
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Also if anyone knows how to make pictures go on corners of divs/how to precisely positon an image i would REALLY appreciate it, Im a bit confused
roboticoperatingbuddy 1 week ago

not sure if this is what youre talking about but it may be useful to look into css position attributes? its what i usually do when i want to change the position of an image inside of a div/want it to be in a corner. it depends on what youre trying to do but heres a site with examples of how to use it:

okayyyy! One Strange Room (new short story I wrote today lol) is on the site now, hooray! I'll probably add a new blog post soon. The current roadmap for this site is 1) add proper art page (ideally with a cool gallery function) and 2) redo layout a little so it looks fancier + I can add more cute pics.
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New writing page! (Two short stories are currently avaliable ^_^) + new blog entryy. Sorry guys 4 never posting I just truly havent been doing much
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Last updated 1 week ago
CreatedFeb 23, 2023
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art videogames cartoons monsters writing