jake's neocity

900 updates
0 tips
512 updates, like the power of 2 number, like storage and all that. . .
my page is coming together great! added art and music yayy!! need to be more interactable and talk with some of y'all though!
made a super famicom page, gonna put some good games, or ALL games on there lol, like a super long database
changed all of my BUTTON tags to A tags with the same style, this is so you can still use links with javascript disabled! 👉🧠
✨emojis make a difference✨
finished the youtube page, very simple! gonna work on making a button / that hotlinking gif that people love to have lol
wow, really can't decide what tab to do first: game dev (too daunting, there's a lot i could do), music (easy enough rn, gear 'n such) or youtube (ig this is factual, so pretty easy huh?)

Website Stats

Last updated 4 days ago
CreatedApr 21, 2023
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gamedev programming art blog music