jake's neocity

935 updates
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just designed a business card, back to the city!
new index looks good! interested in the ps1 collection stuff, looks great lol
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alienheadshitkid 1 year ago

hey thank you!! I'm working on a major overhaul so there's still much work to be done but I'm glad to hear you're interested :^)

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i like your site's aesthetic, it was jarring when i tried to resize the text though lol
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scuti 1 year ago

Zooming in or zooming out? I tried what seemed best on a high-res monitor. (I sit over a meter from my screen.)

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jakeoreilly 1 year ago

ah yeah, zooming in is fine at 150%+, but i usually zoom out, and that just barely changes it!

1 like
how do you feel about the new "pre-order" (still got the merch, it wasn't pre-ordered though!) merch that comes with switch games nowadays? we just picked up pikmin 4 today and it came with a cool journal and different bookmarks! i think it's pretty cool stuff!
clubnintendoarchives 1 year ago

I can certainly say Nintendo have upped their game (no pun intended!) in regards to pre-order bonuses, lately, with some pretty neat merch being offered. My biggest concern is how uneven these offers can be between different stores (or the opposite: it becomes a tough choice between two pieces you want) and countries. Bookmarks sound cool, though; that's not something you see much of, these days.

started adding some cute buttons now! so far none that link to anyone, but i WILL make friends at some point! also need to design my own lol
can't stop... changing cursor... anime cute girl witch bread girl kiki's delivery service cursor...
thanks for 2k views! it really picks up when you update it constantly lol
i don't need to... but i really want to stay under 1.44MB

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Last updated 1 month ago
CreatedApr 21, 2023
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