Funfetti's webpage!!!

241 updates
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yeah Im gonna revamp my entire site just cu making bgs dosent take superrrr long and also I need to add the bootstrap stuff *first* so it dosent fuck my shit up later
Okay so I started school and I dont have web dovelopment this year (yet) which sucks but I just need to keep adding stuff to my site for practice!!
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yay!! The font finally changed! :D
I hate how in the thumbnail for my site it looks like the "party county!" is hard to see, when its actually a gradient lol
probably gonna change the font. Its cute n all but it has tearing issues and is diffiult to read. :/
Well I need to add more graphics and shit too but like... Whatevs thats easier lol

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Last updated 2 years ago
CreatedJul 29, 2020
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