Good question! I looked at your site, and you have fanpages for Asmodeus (video game character), lolita (fashion style), GIR (cartoon character) and Splatoon (video game). Did I miss any? In this situation, you could put in your site that would be a multi fandom one, or if you wanted to, you could also add in one or multiple one of these fanpages as a fansite itself. In the latter case, the widget would be (1/2)
(2/2) on the fanpage specifically (not your website index page). And in the former case of course it would be on the index page. What are your thoughts on that?
Mm! I like that idea; I'd probably make a portal for my fan-based sites and I'll poke at you when I have that settled? That way you can jump between my fansites because I plan on making a *lot* more, putting the link on each one feels somewhat silly (it would be smart if this was all I was going to do, but sadly I have too many interests for that :P)
Added! You can now put the webring widget on your site