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"What did I do during the war? Honestly....if I could do it over, I would've had more FUN"
"Mmmmmmyes, Herr Hitler!"
"mmmmmmmmno herr hitler!"
mmmhyes herr hitler!
"Mmmmmmno, Herr Hitler!"
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmyes herr hitler!
hahahahahhahahahaaa :D
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really?! wao, i was gonna say what about Versailles? but i don't think anyone lives there :3
HHAHAHAHAHA YAYYY :D OH and by the wayhere'syourdailyremindertog...
I've scans of all these from Venice Archive...
ooh how prettyyyy ^u^ <33333
BAUCHAU! :D <3333333333 hahaha that girl sounds like she's either drunk or speaking fake french :D
NORI - P - HOUSE :D <33
ohh how nice, this is so cute! ^u^ <3
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"What did I do during the war? Honestly....if I could do it over, I would've had more FUN"
"Mmmmmmyes, Herr Hitler!"
"mmmmmmmmno herr hitler!"
"Mmmmmmyes, Herr Hitler!"
mmmhyes herr hitler!
"Mmmmmmno, Herr Hitler!"
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmyes herr hitler!