7sinclr's Webpage

352 updates
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Released a new song based on "Goncharov"! It's embedded on my index page if you wanna check it out. Thank you! ♥
Trying to update, but some of my updates aren't showing up. I'll give it a few minutes and hopefully it'll be fixed. Until then, hope everyone's having a good night. ♥
Staying with family for a couple of weeks, so I won't be able to update the site until I'm home! Hope everyone is having a lovely November!
1 like
welcome! :D i took a quick look at your art and it's got like, a regal sort of vibe. i like it!
1 like
7sinclr 2 years ago

hey there! thank you so much!! <3 your art is gorgeous, i love the colors you utilize and the lighting in your work!

Website Stats

Last updated 1 year ago
CreatedNov 10, 2022
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art music personal writing blogging