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bishoujo-ff 4 years ago

Watched Battle Royale because of Nevada-tan. 'Twas alright.

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lolwut 4 years ago

I would gently suggest that on the /b/ Memes 2006-2008 page, rather than directing readers to Know Your Meme, you instead provide a link to the corresponding Encyclopedia Dramatica article, because the latter site is and has been much more closely affiliated with 4chan.

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4chansociety 4 years ago

Will do. I have been trying to import data from other sites for a bit, and will try to redirect my links to more affiliated sites such as Lurkmore and Encyclopedia Dramatica.

4chansociety 4 years ago

I'm considering linking to an archived encyclopedia dramatica (since they are missing a bunch of images since the server went down a month or so ago) and linking to the image section on KnowYourMeme for extra images.

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CreatedAug 20, 2020
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internet culture random memes 4chan