Techy's Blog

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Techy's Blog was updated.
2 years ago
I am going to finish the article “how to judge a service or provider?” (Link: in a few days. After this is finished, I will start on the ProtonMail’s article along with the VPNs article. The email article will be in an inactive position. Just tell me if you want to change any priorities.
Techy's Blog was updated.
2 years ago
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Privacy policy of this site: I do not collect any personal data for people who have visited my site, and since there is no third party elements on this site, none of your personal data will be sent to any third parties. I can’t guarantee your privacy when you click on an external link, so a better solution is to archive the link to the wayback machine/use existing archives on the wayback machine for better privacy.
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Techy's Blog was updated.
2 years ago
Techy's Blog was updated.
2 years ago
Techy's Blog was updated.
2 years ago
Techy's Blog was updated.
2 years ago
I have just attached my public PGP key for my email as someone noted me in XMPP chat. I don’t use email at all in terms of chatting and only check it on a weekly basis (sometimes shorter), so I recommend you guys to contact me via XMPP.
Techy's Blog was updated.
2 years ago

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CreatedMar 26, 2022
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