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Read your article about Federiefedri. Nice someone documented what happened, as all I remeber was that divisel from time to time liked my updates and the ban-divisel thing. I would even say it's good that he got banned cause he constantly showed manipulatative behaviour.
crackworths 8 months ago

Really? Damn, I didn't know Divsel got banned. I always wondered why they liked my posts and randomly followed me from time to time.

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slushbin 8 months ago

My mistake. I kinda assumed he got banned, as the drama seemed to have ended in an instant. But it's entirely possible everyone just left and it all fizzled out. So, I'm not sure about the ban thing

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Your site is very smart looking, I like it.
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This is such a nice site for everything related to old anime. Love how faithfully you can recreate that style too. Besides that, wishing you good luck on your gamedev journey
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mysticscave 1 year ago

Ah thankyou so much. Actually I fell out of practise with drawing :') need to get back into it.

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CreatedMar 12, 2023
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