ShadowM00n’s Summit

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holeinmyheart 3 years ago

lookin smexy

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shadowm00n 3 years ago

Realised that I derped on the patches.d part; now it should only apply to articles with the same base name as the patch script

holeinmyheart 3 years ago

oh btw my upload process for my hartshorned has been drastically improved after i took your advice, ty. i might make a post about how i do it now.

shadowm00n 3 years ago

Nice! I'm glad this wasn't a waste of time. You're certainly a lot more adept than me with the Makefile wizardry.

holeinmyheart 3 years ago

this is very helpful ty! i know i'll be referring to this article in the future

shadowm00n 3 years ago

@holeinmyheart I'm honestly kind of shocked to hear it. I delayed on this article for a while because I didn't know if it'd be at all useful to anyone else.

koshka 3 years ago

Honestly, while this is the opposite of my chaotic and manual way of doing things, I am already beginning to see the wisdom in your approach. It's becoming quite tiresome to remember every single thing that I need to update every time I change something on my website.

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koshka 4 years ago

I adore how you actually add descriptions in your Links page, unlike most people.

shadowm00n 4 years ago

@koshka It's kind of pointless otherwise, isn't it?

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koshka 4 years ago

Most people here just randomly drop the links in without any descriptions, as if anyone's going to care to click on a context-less link like "Ted's Website". Absurd and lazy, but that's how it is...

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shadowm00n 4 years ago

Added RSS support

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koshka 4 years ago

Excellent links page!! I'm very happy that you decided to put one up. Thank you for the glowing review of my website, as well! (:

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CreatedMar 9, 2021
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