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v2 is done! It's technically been done for ages, but I spent way too long wrestling with Hugo before deciding to switch to 11ty. Fortunately, the latter clicked a lot faster for me and here we are. I've got a few more engine info pages mostly done, so those will hopefully be going up this week. No promises though. If you can't tell already, I tend to procrastinate.
Sorry for the lack of updates recently! I made a (mostly) impulse decision to bite the bullet and go ahead and move over to a Hugo-based workflow instead of writing everything by hand. It's just not going to be sustainable for me to do it all manually, as much as I want to. Hopefully this will mean that things move super slowly for now as I get it set up, and then future updates and new content can come out faster.

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Last updated 9 months ago
CreatedMar 28, 2023
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gamedev videogames programming retrogaming gamedevelopment