Planet Gob

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Planet Gob was updated.
1 week ago
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moldymoldy 1 week ago

great entry, a pleasure to read! i was curious! and what an optimistic end ^.T)/

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omg site profile back up!!! hiiiii!!!!!!!!!!
moldymoldy 2 weeks ago

LOL (person waving emoji)

Planet Gob was updated.
2 weeks ago
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Planet Gob was updated.
4 weeks ago
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moldymoldy 4 weeks ago

really very narrative feel here. i, too, realized at an inconvenient time (running late for work) that i, too, am quite out of shape. i was running (read: jogging) down The Main Street and i had to keep switching to speedwalking so that i could catch my breath! i had maybe 30 seconds (rough estimate, i wasnt timing myself Obviously) of running in me before i had to recharge (???). dont know why im saying this here :P

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moldymoldy 4 weeks ago

(ran into the character limit) i wrote about this exact realization in one of my log entries. (not an ad or anything) (moldy story repetition strikes again!)

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planetgob 4 weeks ago

#justmoldythings! >< though i had a similar experience in middle school whenever i missed the bus and decided to walk instead... we really need to work on this stuff!

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Planet Gob was updated.
1 month ago
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moldymoldy 1 month ago

so long and how fun! giant chunks of text! smileeeee~... moose emoji.. (my eyes are starting to close on their own i had a feeling again that i should do a pre-nap laptop check and i was right again!) (i need to work on my commenting skills. maybe i will come back after i sleep sleep perchance to dream.)

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Planet Gob was updated.
1 month ago
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moldymoldy 1 month ago

sheets calendar mitosis

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moldymoldy 1 month ago

upon my second read (normal person by the way): really wondering what a day on planet gob/in the life is like! it seems like theres always something new! also its really too true. the time is just flying by! i feel like the summers already almost over!!! where did all of my unplanned time go! well thats my take on things at least. maybe i'll try to follow your example and reattempt regular use of a calendar.

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planetgob 1 month ago

(there's no reply to comment button so im just commenting #iftheresawilltheresaway) yayyyy!!!!!!! you should Totally reattempt regular use of the Google Sheets Calendar. come up with some schemes and the like while you still can. School is fast approaching... I'm so scared!! #nightmare. Also, I often wonder how My life appears to other people. Like, what's the vibe even? BC I mostly just draw. and listen to music! a

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planetgob 1 month ago

-nd scheme!!!

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Planet Gob was updated.
1 month ago
Planet Gob was updated.
2 months ago
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moldymoldy 2 months ago

(assuming im oomf) Hi oomf! (hand emoji) our triplet (should i say his name here) invited me to come to the library with you all tomorrow but im feeling a bit ill i fear. lets hope its just from an uncomfortable long flight. Le Sigh.

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Planet Gob was updated.
2 months ago
Planet Gob was updated.
2 months ago
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