Pal's Web Space

616 updates
0 tips
I love your site’s vibes!!
petrapixel 2 months ago

thank you 🥺

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and I think that concludes the middle of the night updates! yahoo <3
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might make the website blue later! is this the beginnings of the slippery rainbow slope for pal??
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think I'm done updating for now! I'll check if anything needs tweaking later ^^
updates incoming sometime today: ten new recipes, fix some formatting on conlang phonology pages, add a few new barebones pages and some links, a guestbook, and probably some photos and other updates for the tea page if I can get around to it!
I found some more recipes while looking through my files that I had compiled around Jul 2022 and never posted. Will get those coded for the web soon! Along with photos for the tea page for the next update probably
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updates complete for now! phew!

Website Stats

Last updated 2 months ago
CreatedMar 14, 2022
Site Traffic Stats


tea cooking personal fandom conlangs