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8 years ago
Random facts was updated.
8 years ago
Random facts was updated.
8 years ago
Random facts was updated.
8 years ago
have you been getting ads on your website
1 like
numberfour 8 years ago

yes at around 8 int the morning our sites get ht with ads.

learnchess 8 years ago

Wierd, read this: says wont put ads on our sites?!!

numberfour 8 years ago

strange< did you find ads on your site

learnchess 8 years ago

No, i have ad blocker installed :D

numberfour 8 years ago

Well they dissappeard strangely.

learnchess 8 years ago

Hmm, weird...

numberfour 8 years ago

even more wired the ads are on only one computer now.

Random facts was updated.
8 years ago
Nice "Gary" :)
Random facts was updated.
8 years ago
Random facts was updated.
8 years ago
Random facts was updated.
8 years ago

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Last updated 7 years ago
CreatedNov 26, 2015
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