Nemui Kou

124 updates
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Nemui Kou was updated.
2 years ago
Nemui Kou was updated.
2 years ago
Nemui Kou was updated.
2 years ago
Nemui Kou was updated.
2 years ago
Nemui Kou was updated.
2 years ago
I’m in the middle of reading the February zine right now, but I just wanted to pop in and say, this issue is great! I’ve been feeling rather uninspired, kind of, these days, but the zine made me feel excited about getting creative and making my own site again. I especially like clatterment’s and Auzzie Jay’s entries. Thank you for organizing the zine!
nemui-kou 2 years ago

(Also, do you have a guestbook? I’d wrote this message in one, but I just can’t seem to find it. Sorry if my posting directly onto the profile has inconvenienced you in any way.)

yesterweb 2 years ago

We're working on making a guestbook for the website right now!! Hopefully it will be up soon! <3

1 like
your site’s design… it’s so cute… •///•
pinksleazoid 2 years ago

thank you T_T❤️

HAPPY LUNAR NEW YEAR!! Should’ve made a page on the site for the occasion but I thought of this just now :/
Nemui Kou was updated.
2 years ago
Nemui Kou was updated.
2 years ago

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Last updated 11 months ago
CreatedMay 29, 2021
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