Nemui Kou

124 updates
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Nemui Kou was updated.
2 years ago
Nemui Kou was updated.
2 years ago
hey, your site looks pretty neat :)
1 like
pixelatedskies 2 years ago

thank you !!!

Nemui Kou was updated.
2 years ago
Nemui Kou was updated.
2 years ago
Nemui Kou was updated.
2 years ago
Nemui Kou was updated.
2 years ago
(Psst… The “forward” link in page0115.html leads to page0115.html, not page0116.html. Just found your comic today, it is a very interesting read. Have a good day, keep up the good work.)
horrorhospitalschool 2 years ago

Thank you for telling me this!

Nemui Kou was updated.
2 years ago
it’s so troublesome that i can’t upload multiple files at once to neocities… `3’=3
nemui-kou 2 years ago

Update: I’m trying out Kissr! It was one of the few free Dropbox-to-web options that haven’t died yet lol. Even if the platform crashes, my files will still be safe on Dropbox, so it’s worth a try. Let’s go.

nemui-kou 2 years ago

Update 2: The whole thing doesn’t work as I imagined, so screw it. I’ll make do with what I have, aka back to Neocities (and Glitch) again.

Website Stats

Last updated 11 months ago
CreatedMay 29, 2021
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