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or, hell, maybe I'll just use what I've already got in the css file. I also still need to find another good newspaper kind of font, since a lot of people might not have Courier 10 Pitch, which is what the site is supposed to be viewed in.
one thing I'd love to have is a page laid out like a wiki page for posting internet and political news and incorporating my own biases and agendas into each post. wait shit, HuffPost already took that idea. damn. in all seriousness, I'm not good with CSS but I'm considering trying to make a newspaper themed page, since I feel like the site (especially the C reference) already somewhat looks like that.
no updates because I've been busy
I'm back.
The only thing I have to recommend that I won't put on the page is to look for the Gentoomen's Library. I'll let you find it. it's 30-35 gigs of everything you could ever want to know about computers and programming.
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accidentally deleted my debian partition. great job A+.
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rjsandbox 9 years ago

try downloading a backup and copy it

nanobyte 9 years ago

I remembered I had made a home partition, so the data is all safe. I'm just too lazy to reinstall lol.

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Last updated 1 year ago
CreatedOct 25, 2015
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personal computers programming