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ignore this this is me doing the coding equivalent of slamming my head against a brick wall
you know if i actually knew anything ever about coding i would have a way cooler site but unfortunately looking at javascript gives me a headache and html and i got divorced years ago. i dont even like css. i only know how to do stuff i can physically touch. they should make a code you can handle in real life with your bare hands.
Bro, they gotta invent coding but as like, pottery. Or paper mache. Closest I can think of are those drag and drop "scrapbook" esque sites but those are so... NOT it. Make it CLAY DOG
Really though, I totally agree, looking at JS is atrocious, it's a miracle I've frankly achieved ANYTHING on my site whatsoever. My only VERY MUCH unasked for recommendation would be using a framework already broken over like Rarebit which's great for VNs, if that's what you're doing! Only downside is, well, it's still Javascript AND it's a lil ridgid really, haha.......