i haven't been updating because i don't have access to my pc for the next ~3 weeks. i managed to write this unformatted thing about fonts in the meantime :D i'll pretty it up later
check the log to know what exactly has changed, and if a page is updated here while not being mentioned in the log, it means that it was literally a fix like resizing an image, nothing to worry about
the error page not having the correct font bothered me for long enough that i actually fixed it
i fixed the positioning of the background elements dont worry about the thumbnail :)
i put links to my toyhouse characters on the front page, but you can't actually click them yet. that's because i'm not done with the pages yet.
i changed my mind about the way i'm formatting this. instead of individual characters having their own images, it will just be a picture of all of them and a link to toyhouse
even if i dont have a pc the siren of the web still calls me.......
no new font discussions just minor edits and i actually added the fonts of what i was talking about